django-cotton, HTMX & Tailwind - Pagination and Filtering with Components in Django
In this video, we'll build a responsive page using Django and TailwindCSS, with django-cotton used to created template components where we can consolidate logical parts of our page.
New data put the global estimate of people who inject drugs in 2021 at 13.2 million, 18 per cent higher than previously estimated. Globally, over 296 million people used drugs in 2021, an increase of 23 per …
Evergrande DISSOLVED! China Real Estate Collapse Inevitable
MrBeast tries to get into the China market. A Hong Kong court rules that Chinese property giant Evergrande has to liquidate. And China’s Ministry of State Security is warning people to be wary …
Foreign trade is terrible! Fraudulent Chinese Customs Data Suspected/It’s impossible to continue...
For international capital, it's important to know what the latest Chinese policy moves are in order for companies to plan their investments and for fund managers to choose …