The civil right movement ended 56 years ago, do you know what that means? it means it will take America at least another 100 years to be transformed.....when all the Racists White KKK NAZI ZIONIST are ALL DEAD and GONE.
People are really really really really LAZY Ignorant Stupid and USE LESSSSSS....🙄🙄🙄🙄
India's Biggest Cringelord
WestJett goes over some absolutely wild India content from Rajatwins, massive cringe overload and shameless memes in this video. happy diwali to my indian viewers, …
All White People in America are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS....ALL WHITE PEOPLE IN AMERICA ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Know your history or argue with yourself. 🙄🙄🙄
Eminem Responds To Kid Rock Namedropping Him In Trump PSA
Beijing’s November Despair: Hundreds of Thousands Flee Jobs, Economy Seems Hopeless
With the economic downturn, more commercial spaces in Beijing are sitting empty. This rise in vacancies is driving rents down, which in turn lowers business enthusiasm to open new stores. …
Russian drones have adopted a new terrifying strategy | Hunted In Kherson
In the Ukrainian city of Kherson drones now hunt civilians, causing widespread panic and forcing ordinary people to navigate a daily existence marked by fear.