Others will do unto you as you do unto Others...Religion and Politics should be Abolished...Religion and Politics are part of the Problem with this World, they pretend to represent the Poor, but all they do is destroy and kill the poor. …
Chasing Chinese spies in Switzerland | Hotel Espionage
A hotel run by a Chinese family near Meringen airport allegedly served as a base for military espionage. The presence of American F35 aircraft during training caught the attention of Chinese spies, who …
When you support Russia, you support China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and other Dick Head Terrorists and when you support the other side (the Collective West), you are also supporting Terrorists!
He (just like Elon, Mark and the rest), ALL Grew up Rich, in a Rich Home. They NEVER work a day in their life...Poor People don't have garages or parents to LOAN them start up money 🙄🙄🙄🤡🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂😂
The lifestyles, investments and influence of wealthy people who make more than $140,000 US a year are destroying the environment, according to a study by Oxfam …