China’s Economic Nightmare: More Businesses and Shops Close, “Professional Closure Agent” Emerge
Reports indicate that the closure chain operates in three main stages. The initial stage involves individuals known in industry jargon as ground dogs, who find struggling business owners, assess …
If you think movies, games, tv have no Effect on People, trying watching ONLY Serial Killers movies for 3 years and see what that NONSENSE does to your USELESS Mind.
Nigeria - Biafra Civil war lasted for 3 years and that was because Biafra had no allies or supporters unlike Ukraine, so prepare for a very very long war.
Update from Ukraine | Our Soldiers have the plan to cut …
The CCP feels threatened by veterans due to a misbehaving mistress
In the state of lawlessness in China, a traffic dispute in Qingdao has escalated into a national storm, involving some of the country’s most formidable protestors. Veterans across China have …