When your born in a trailer in the south, you have some hurdles to get over, or at least thats been Joel Byars experience in this clip from his first ever …
And the FOOL invaded in 2014....meanwhile people in Russia are FREEZING to Death and this FOOL is still talking Folly. This bastard has been ruling Russia since 1999..let that sink in while you support them useless Governments.
You were born without electricity, you almost died as a baby, you grew up without basic provisions, you have no roof over your head, you go days without food or water, you have no bed to sleep on, all your life …
Russia's Air Force had their WORST Week of the War
Russia's Air Force just experienced their worst week of the war experiencing staggering losses of planes and helicopters. The Russians continue their insane assaults on Avdiivka with almost no progress …
Life’s Unbearably Hard in China: Poor Crowd Beijing Station at Night
What a struggle just to live. At 3 am in Beijing Station, the bustling square that is filled with people during the day is now covered with bodies. A …
People are so Stupid that they support Russia to kill Ukraine but they don't support Israel, while others support Israel to kill Muslims but they don't support Russia...
The best thing is to Kill Both Israel, Gaza, Russia and Ukraine war …