Russia Seriously Messed Up Making an Alliance with North Korea
The Russians did not consider at all the South Korea position after Putin signed a defense agreement with North Korea. Now South Korea's national security is at risk and they have …
Nine Israeli soldiers have been killed in recent clashes with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. Five reserve soldiers died on Thursday due to a rocket attack during logistics operations. …
Why Russian Forces Just Threw Everything at Avdiivka
Moscow’s biggest offensive push of 2023 started on October 10th in the southern town of Avdiivka. The battle comes at a critical point with Winter threatening to slow or halt all advances …
Russia said Ukraine is Russia which also means Russia is Ukraine, so at the end of the day, it's Russia vs Russia | Ukraine Vs Ukraine | White on White crimes | Civil War and one thing about white naZis civil …
Russian Units Refuse Orders to Attack! | Mutiny in the Army! | Ukraine War Update
The Ukrainian Special Operations Forces have established four special purpose regiments, brought together under a unified command, and designated as the Ranger Corps.
On June 4, 2004, Marvin Heemeyer, a welder and former Air Force serviceman, unleashed chaos on Granby, Colorado, with a DIY tank. His creation—a heavily armored, modified Komatsu bulldozer—could withstand bullets and grenades, leaving police …
Know your a web developer, I will never take any job below $50 - $100 per hour, take it or leave it....I have 6 children plus more responsibility...Know your Worth!
Unmasking Marshmello: The Most Successful Industry Plant
In this video we will look at the real person behind Marshmello while doing a deep dive on his career. We will answer the questions: Does Marshmello make his own music or does …
If the big boy is fighting with the small boy, no one cares what the big boy does to the small boy but everyone will care what the small boy do to the big boy.
Tucker Calls Trump “Daddy,” Kamala Gets Beyoncé & Election Overload is Killing Us | The Daily Show
Michael Kosta covers Tucker Carlson giving America "daddy" issues with his Trump Rally speech and how this election is driving Americans so nuts that …