Breaking: FG slams Binance with $10 billion fine - Nigeria
The crypto trading platform Binance has been slammed with a $10 billion fine by the Federal Government over allegations of influencing the country’s forex crisis.
HA...The same Advertisers Elon Mumusk told to go fuck themselves?...Ha.
Elon Mumusk is one of the reasons you should beat and discipline your children, some times for NO fucking reason just so the little bastards don't grow up to be …
"We Need a Separation of Devices!" | Biniam Bizuneh | Stand Up Comedy
Comedian Biniam Bizuneh jokes about being stalked by Hinge, why he's jealous of gay guys, and how he wishes he had the confidence of American filmmakers who make …
4 weeks, 2 days ago
อ. 24th ธันวาคม 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
If the People are USE LESS, we will ALWAYS have Governments.....As long as the People are USE LESS, there will Always be USE LESS Terrorists Governments.🙄🙄🙄🙄
Mao Zedong Built His Villa During Great Famine | China Truths
Governments and Billionaires are USE LESS, STUPID AND USE LESS...🙄🙄🙄
Saudi Arabia's Insane Bridge Hotel
Saudi Arabia’s Neom megaproject introduces Treyam, an ambitious luxury hotel that stretches over the Gulf of Aqaba. Today on Megaprojects, we’re exploring this groundbreaking design, …
In a recent video I reviewed a Piers Morgan segment that I was initially asked to participate in. It's all about people like Terrence Howard, Candace Owens, …