Despite all that is going on, all they care about is the Shape of the Earth...despite ALL that is going on....All they want you to care about is the USELESS things.
Is it just me or everyone else but the number of animal attack videos on Facebook is getting out of hand, you will not scroll pass 5 post without seeing two or three animal attack videos.....
They said it usually takes between 5 to 10 years to develop a vaccine Vaccine Research & Development, meanwhile it took them less than 6 months to develop the COVID Vaccines and some fools were calling us Conspiracy Theorist for …
The World was under Lock Down...People were DYING and all the Best your Governments and Cooperations, Millionaires and Billionaires could do is this nonsense..😡🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡
While all these nonsense was going on....People were DYING from the LOCK DOWN and …
The Jeffrey Epstein Saga | A Network of Depravity (Part 1)
Jeffrey Epstein is one of the most infamous and enigmatic figures of the past decade. Today we'll be taking a closer look at his origins, as well as some …