153 Chinese Mercenaries Used as Cannon Fodder in Russia-Ukraine War; Many Fled, Russians Chased Them
On October 19, Chinese mercenaries "Lao Wang" and "The Warden" did a livestream where they casually mentioned how errors by Russian commanders are common. They said …
1 month, 1 week ago
Tue 19th November 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
Latvia celebrates 106 years of independence from Russia | Artis Pabriks
Latvia celebrates its Independence Day marking the 106th anniversary of its freedom after centuries of foreign domination. The country declared independence on November 18, 1918, bringing to an end some …
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Thu 11th January 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
The reason people like Putin and co can come out in Public and tell BIG LIES is because 99.9% of the People are ALL STUPID....Stupid will always produce and defend Stupid. Russia that cannot even produce Needles - EU state …
This Is Ukraine's Plan in Case NATO Military Aid Fails - VisualPolitik EN
In this video, we explain Zelensky's plan to revive Ukraine's military industry. A plan that is proving to be a success and could turn Ukraine into a major …